
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Quality Management Systems

ISO 9001 regulation is an international quality management standard based on eight fundamental principles for a good business management and a better development and activity.

This certificate guarantees that Euro Seating International complies with the high standards applying to quality management systems required by the ISO 9001 regulation.



Advantages of the ISO 9001 regulation:

  • It shows the company commitment about quality and the customer’s satisfaction
  • To make sure that all products and services made/provided according to this rule comply both with the customer’s requirements and with the applicable law
  • It allows to measure the progress towards the permanent improvement of the company’s performance
  • To help the improvement of the firm’s performance

ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems

ISO 14001 regulation belongs to a group of environmental management international standards applicable to every possible company.

Based on the cycle Plan – Make – Check – Act, the ISO 14001 regulation includes the most important requirements to identify and control the environmental aspects of every company.


  • To show commitment to customers, investors, consumers and the community
  • Enhancement of the expenditure control by means of the reduction of waste and the optimization of energy consumption
  • To reduce the insurance premiums by decreasing incidences
  • To make easier to obtain permissions and approvals
  • To improve the rating to access tenders and public subsidies

Environmental Management of the design and development process, ecodesign ISO 14006

AENOR’S Ecodesign certificate proves that Euro Seating applies a management system to identify, control and improve the environmental aspects of its products and/or services in a continuous way, thus providing its customers with information about the products which have been environmentally improved by means of design.


Competitive advantages:


  • Warranty that the company complies with the applicable environmental laws.
  • Warranty that the organization manages the design and development of its products and/or services.
  • Expenditure decrease (materials consumption, packaging enhancement, etc.)


Customers benefits:

  • Product innovation and consequently, market differentiation.
  • Compliance with the customer needs and expectations.
  • Enhancement of the product image and the company itself.